Sunday, January 16, 2022

Prepared for Blessings


"Solomon, and all the assembly with him, went to the high place … for the tabernacle of meeting with God was there … David had brought up the ark from Kirjath Jearim to the place David had prepared for it." – 2 Chronicles 1:3-4 NKJV

During World War II, American air units based in Australia experienced problems with aircraft maintenance…until General George Kenney became involved.

He made inspecting each plane a priority. General Douglas MacArthur observed that Kenney’s attention to detail and preparation was crucial to “keep his planes flying.”

An end-of-war, inspection of 8,000 planes of the adversary revealed how much his attention to detail affected the outcome. Although 95% of the enemy planes were intact, most were “not operational because some small part was unavailable.” The conclusion? The “attention to detail and extra effort” Kenney provided was a key difference between defeat and victory.

Preparation and details also were important for Solomon’s reign. David had done much to prepare the way, so Solomon could complete his assignment and receive God’s blessing.

The Bible reminds us that God wants to bless us abundantly. But, to receive these blessings, we must be prepared and put His principles into practice. We must know His promises and obey them. We must spend quality time with Him in prayer and commit our time, talents, and treasures to His Kingdom.

Think about the gifts and talents God has given you. Seek to be a good steward, investing these resources. Sow your seeds. As you are faithful, you can expect His blessings.


Father, I seek Your abundance and blessings. Help me be a good steward. Speak to me through your Word. Give me Your wisdom and favor. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Extended Reading

2 Chronicles 1


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