Friday, January 07, 2022



This prayer points against failure and disappointment are for those who always meet failure at the point of success. Some people call it near success syndrome. This is not the will of God for His children. This are the works of evil satanic forces fighting against the destinies of Gods children. As a child of God, you must tackle spiritual problems from the root. You must learn to pray violent prayers, if you want to see yourself set free from the powers of darkness.

This prayer points against failure and disappointment will empower you to send spiritual missiles to every enemy of your destiny. It will empower you to fight against any enemy that stands on your way to success in life. As you pray it, everyone that has said you will not make it in life must be put to shame and destroyed in Jesus name. The God of heaven will arise and judge your enemies today and forever. Pray this prayers with faith and watch the Lord fight your battles. Exodus 14:14.



1.           Father, by your everlasting mercy, blot out every sin in my life that may stand on the way of my prayers this day in Jesus name.

2.           Father, release your warring angels to remove every evil stone blocking my blessings in Jesus name.

3.           I bind every spirit manipulating my destiny helpers against me, in the name of Jesus.

4.           Father, I rebuke every spirit of failure and disappointment in my life, in the name of Jesus.

5.           O God arise and let all the enemies of my breakthrough be scattered, destroyed and buried forever in the name of Jesus.

6.           Fire of God melt away every stones hindering my blessings, in the mighty name of Jesus.

7.           Oh God, let every evil cloud blocking my progress clearway now, in the name of Jesus.

8.           All secrets of the enemy in the camp of my life that are still in the darkness, let them be exposed to me now, in Jesus name.

9.           My Father, My Father, arise and trouble all those who are troubling me, in Jesus name.

10.        O Lord, I reject every evil heavy load in my life, in the name of Jesus.

11.        All keys to my goodness that are still in the possession of the enemy, I declare there instant release now In the name of Jesus.

12.        Open my eyes, O Lord, and let the spirit of confusion be far from me in Jesus name..

13.        Oh Lord, i declare this day that my labour shall never be in vain in the name of Jesus.

14.        The pregnancy of good things within me will not be aborted by any contrary power, in the name of Jesus.

15.        O Lord, turn me to untouchable coals of fire in the name of Jesus.

16.        O Lord, let miracles begin to happen in my life every day in the name of Jesus.

17.        O Lord, remove covetousness from my eyes in the name of Jesus

18.        O Lord, fill the cup of my life to the brim in the name of Jesus

19.        Every power stepping on my goodness receive God’s arrow of fire now, in the name of Jesus.

20.        I reject every spirit of promise and fail in the name of Jesus.

21.        Powers of failure at the edge of breakthrough assigned against me, die in the name of Jesus

22.        Power of disappointment assigned against me, die in the name of Jesus

23.        Any power or personalities sponsoring failure and disappointment against me, whoever you are, die in the name of Jesus

24.        Anointing of failure and disappointment upon my life, dry up by fire in the name of Jesus

25.        Holy Ghost fire, locate the camp of my enemies and scatter them in the name of Jesus

26.        O God arise and move me forward by fire in the name of Jesus

27.        Any satanic embargo upon any area of my life, break in the name of Jesus

28.        The miracle of how did it happen, my life is available, manifest now in the name of Jesus

29.        All those waiting for me to fail shall wait in vain in the name of Jesus

30.        Every cloud of disappointment around me, clear away by fire in the name of Jesus

31.        Expected and unexpected miracles, I am available, locate me in the name of Jesus

32.        Witchcraft powers challenging my breakthroughs, your time is up, die in Jesus name

33.        Satanic powers fighting against my prosperity, you will not succeed, die in Jesus name

34.        Every failure at the edge of my breakthroughs this year, die in Jesus name

35.        Any power blocking my testimonies, die in Jesus name

36.        O God my father, this year, make me a mysterious wonder in the name of Jesus

37.        O God arise and make me a bundle of testimony this year in Jesus name

38.        O God my father, show me your glory in the name of Jesus

39.        Favour of God, locate me in Jesus name

40.        Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers


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