Wednesday, December 22, 2021

CHM 191 TMA SOLUTIONS continuation


Q43 The equation NaOH + HCl $$→$$NaCl + H2O is a ____?

Q44 When performing acid-base titration, one should first?

Q45 Which of these is a method of finding the equivalence point?

Q46 What is a titrant in titration analysis?

Q47 What is a titrand in titration analysis?

Q48 During acid-base titration sulphuric acid would be dissociated into what ions?

Q49 Both molarity and normality are measures of concentration. True or false?

Q50 Choose the most suitable water for use in acid base titration?

Q51 A student used a hard tap water and performed and acid base titration. In few lines explain what would happen to his result?

Q52 A 25 ml solution of 0.5 M NaOH is titrated until neutralized into a 50 ml sample of HCl?

Q53 What is the importance of back titration?

Q54 What is the implication of adding a phenolphthalein as an indicator during the titration of HCl against Na2CO3?

Q55 Which of these indicators will be suitable for use in titration involving a weak acid and a strong base?

Q56 What type of indicator will be suitable for use in a titration involving H2SO4 + NH3(ag)?

Q57 An example of a strong acid is?

Q58 What is a strong acid?

Q59 An indicator X was added to an acid solution in a beaker but no colour change was observed give the name of the indicator X?

Q60 What is the colour of bromothymol when added to an acid solution?

Q61 The unit µg is equivalent to?

Q62 When filtration is carried out under reduced pressure is called?

Q63 The unit of a volume express in $$dm{^3}$$ is equivalent to?

Q64 Define precipitation in respect to wet chemical analysis?

Q65 What is a mole?

Q66 Why do we heat precipitates during gravimetric analysis?

Q67 The Avogadro number $$6.02 X 10{^23}$$ is equivalent to?

Q68 Choose from the list of chemicals given and determine which has negative effect on skin?

Q69 Calculate the molar mass of 1 mole of a pure substance weighting X g?

Q70 Which of these hazardous chemicals are likely to cause dizziness and are carcinogenic?

Q71 Calculate the mass of 0.5 moles of water?

Q72 The hazardous effect of chlorinated alkanes is?

Q73 Calculate the number of moles in 24 g of oxygen gas?

Q74 All are laboratory safety tips except?

Q75 Calculate the molar mass of a pure substance if 2 moles of the substance has a mass of 35 g?

Q76 Qualitative analysis helps in determining what in a given solution?

Q77 Define molality of a solution?

Q78 Quantitative methods help in determining what in a solution?

Q79 Normality can be defined as?

Q80 The various method of quantitative analysis include?


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