Friday, March 26, 2021

JAMB Form 2021/2022 Is Out – See How To Buy JAMB Form

 Is JAMB form 2021/2022 out? This is a notice to all JAMB candidates who wish to sit for the upcoming JAMB 2021/2022 examination that JAMB registration form is out.


JAMB form for 2021/2022 academic session is out. It has been announced by the management of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board. The general public are by this notice informed that they can now proceed and register for JAMB 2021 examination as the form is now available for sale.

Is JAMB Form Out Officially?


Please Note
 that the buying of JAMB form for 2021 is yet to commence, we are going to update this post when the board has authorised the sales of JAMB form for 2021/2022.JAMB form is not out yet and thus JAMB registration has not commenced for 2021/2022 academic session.

Do you want us to inform you and update you when JAMB form is finally outClick Here To Message Us     on Whatsapp.

When Will JAMB Form Come Out?

April 6, 2021.

JAMB 2021 form is expected to come out as from April 6th, 2021. We will update this page as soon as JAMB form is out.

Note: With the way things are currently and some schools yet to complete admission for the previous session, it’s likely that JAMB form will come out as from February 1, 2021. However, be rest assured that we are going to update this page when JAMB form is finally out and available for registration. Until then, download JAMB CBT App below and start preparing.

Do you want us to inform you and update you when JAMB form is finally outClick Here To Message Us on Whatsapp.

Download JAMB CBT App 2021

For candidates to sit for the 2021 JAMB examination, registration on their part is very necessary and compulsory before they can participate. In other to register, the candidate need to buy JAMB form in a Bank or at any approved centre by JAMB.

Before buying JAMB 2021/2022 registration form, you will need to find out if the form is out and has been authorised for sale by the management. So let’s take the important JAMB release questions one by one.

While you are waiting for the release of JAMB form, you are going to start seeing JAMB registration guidelines and instructions to help you successfully register for JAMB 2021 when the form is out.

Is NIN Required For JAMB Registration?

Yes. You need to have your National Identification Number before you can register for JAMB 2021. So while you are waiting for JAMB form to come out, proceed and get your NIN if you haven’t done that.

How Much Is JAMB Form?


The price of JAMB form for 2021 is N3, 500.

The Registration Fee for JAMB is Three Thousand Five Hundred (N3, 500) Naira plus Additional Five Hundred (N500) Naira only paid for JAMB novel.

How to Buy JAMB Registration Form

  • Registration Fee is Three Thousand Five Hundred (N3, 500) Naira Additional Five Hundred (N500) Naira only, is paid to obtain the reading text “Sweet Sixteen” by Bolaji Abdullahi for UTME Candidates and “The Last Days at Forcados High School” by A. H. Mohammed for DE Candidates and $20 for Candidates from the eight foreign centres
  • A CD containing JAMB eSyllabus, eBrochure and other vital materials is also given free
  • Candidates should note that ePINS purchased are tied to individual profile and are not transferable
  • Candidates are advised to keep as private and confidential their security details such as registration numbers, password/numbers of ATM Cards, email addresses and ePINs. No centre is allowed to request for or accept a candidate’s password.

JAMB 2021 Registration Guidelines And Procedures

To successfully register for JAMB, you need to be fully aware of the steps to take and how to go about it.

To make it easier for you, we have outlined and also explained some of the things you need to put in order prior to JAMB registration, during JAMB registration and even after your registration.

JAMB Pre-Registration Procedures

Your Course of Study

For you to start your registration process, you need to know/have the course you want to study in the university, polytechnic or college of education.

If you have not decided on the course you wish to study or you are still thinking about it, Check out the list of art courses offered in Nigerian Tertiary institutions here and the list of science of courses here to help you make a better choice.

Once you are done with that, we can move to the next phase.

JAMB Subject Combination for Your Course of Study

After you have decided on the course you wish to study in the university, polytechnic or whatever institution of choice, you will need to know the subject combination for that particular as JAMB requires it during registration.

For example, if your choice of course is Mechanical Engineering; then your subject combinations are English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.

To see for other courses, check out JAMB Subject combination for all courses here.

Now that we are done with the pre-registration procedures, let’s move to the JAMB registration procedures proper.

JAMB Registration Procedures

Creating JAMB Profile

The very first thing you need to do when you want to start your JAMB registration is get a profile code. JAMB profile code helps one to set up a profile on JAMB portal and initiate the registration.

It is quite easy to create your JAMB profile code using your smart phone or even a cellphone.

See  How to create and recover JAMB Profile Code here.

Getting JAMB E-Pin

The next step after you have successfully created your JAMB profile code is to buy your E-pin.

The E-pin is a unique code from JAMB that can be used to register JAMB candidates.

JAMB Accredited centers has been authorised to sell JAMB E-pin to candidates. See the JAMB Accredited CBT centers.

Actual JAMB Registration

Since you have gotten your JAMB E-Pin, it is now time for you to register your JAMB.

To do so, you can either go back to the JAMB accredited center where you got your E-pin or go to any other nearest accredited center with your JAMB profile code and E-PIN to register.

JAMB Registration Fee is Three Thousand Five Hundred (N3, 500) Naira Additional Five Hundred (N500) Naira only, is paid to obtain the reading text “Sweet Sixteen” by Bolaji Abdullahi for UTME Candidates and “The Last Days at Forcados High School” by A. H. Mohammed for DE Candidates and $20 for Candidates from the eight foreign centres.

The following will be provided to JAMB candidates:

  • A CD containing JAMB eSyllabus, eBrochure and other vital materials is also given free
  • Candidates should note that ePINS purchased are tied to individual profile and are not transferable
  • Candidates are advised to keep as private and confidential their security details such as registration numbers, password/numbers of ATM Cards, email addresses and ePINs. No centre is allowed to request for or accept a candidate’s password.

Now that you are done with JAMB, let’s look at the Post JAMB registration steps.

Post-JAMB Registration Recommendations

The post JAMB registration section is basically what you need to do to score high in JAMB and pass your JAMB examination.

JAMB Syllabus for your Subject Combinations

Remember the course and the subject combinations for that course you selected  before during the pre-registration stage, it is now time to get more details on it.

You will need to get the JAMB syllabus for those courses so you can start studying them in preparation for your JAMB exam.

JAMB Past Questions and Answers

Another thing i will recommend is for you to get JAMB past questions and answers for your subject combinations and study them properly.

The best tool to provide you with JAMB past questions and answers is the JAMB CBT app 2021. This is an app specially designed for JAMB candidates to help them score high in JAMB.

The CBT app contains about 18,0000+ JAMB past questions and answers across 24+ subjects .

It also contains summary and questions from JAMB recommended Textbook “Sweet Sixteen”.

Download JAMB CBT App 2021

JAMB 2021 General Information and Guidelines

(FREE COMPLAINT) TICKETING: For ALL complaints on JAMB processes, candidates can create a support ticket at ( with his/her email address registered on the Board’s site. The candidate then provides his/her name, phone number and the nature of issue, select a complaint area on a dropdown and then summarize the nature of complaint. He/she may also attach supporting documents (if available) then send.


  1. NIPOST and eleven Participating Banks (ACCESS, FCMB, FIDELITY, FIRSTBANK, JAIZ, Polaris, Stanbic IBTC, STERLING, UNION and UNITY)
  2. Mobile Money Operators: Paga, e-Transact, Pocket Moni, TEASYPay, Packway Projects (Readycash) and Xpress payment solutions
  3. Participating Micro Finance Banks: Trust MFB, Zazzau MFB, Obeledun MFB and Regent MFB
  4. Online Payment Platforms: System Specs (Remita),InterSwitch (Quickteller) Upper-link, e-Transact and United Payment Services (UPS)
  5. Cooperative Society: JAMB Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society
  6. Others: Unique ICT, Digital Partners Network
  7. POS (Citi-Serve)
  8. ATMs of banks listed in (1) above (InterSwitch)
  9. USSD (ERCAS) for mobile banking
  10. Nigerian Embassies in Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Beau, Cotonou, Jeddah, Johannesburg, and London


  1. Collect the Profile Code from candidate’s phone
  2. Collect payment and vend ePIN by SMS to candidate’s phone (Not dictating or copying)
  3. Facilitate POS Payment, if necessary
  4. Issue Evidence of Payment
  5. Collect Centre Service Fees, if requested by the CBT Centre
  6. ePIN is to be delivered electronically to candidates and not to be handwritten


    • Present Profile Code and pay by cash or card
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
  2. PAYMENT THROUGH POS – This is available at State Offices of JAMB + CBT Centres, other POS outlets and any CBT Centre that demands it
    • Present Profile Code and pay by card
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
  3. PAYMENT THROUGH MOBILE MONEY OPERATORS – This is available at CBT Centres and Other Outlets
    • Present Profile Code and pay by cash
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
  4. PAYMENT USING ATM – This is available on all ATM outlets of Participating Banks listed in C(I) (InterSwitch Channel)
    • Select Bill Payment and then pick JAMB
    • Enter Profile Code and pay
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
    • Visit JAMB website:
    • Click Purchase of 2021 Application Document
    • Enter your Profile Code
    • Select payment method (InterSwitch or Remita)
    • Make payment
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
    • Dial *565*6*55019#
    • Enter Profile Code
    • Select bank and follow the prompts to complete payment
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number


  1. If ePIN is not Received or Lost, send [UTMEPIN] or [DEPIN] to 55019 for UTME or DE respectively from the unique number
  2. The ePIN would then be retrieved and delivered on the candidate’s unique number



The candidate presents the ePIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centre for completion of registration. The name of the candidate as typed by the candidate on his/her phone when registering the profile comes up automatically on the input of the e-PIN by the CBT centre

Candidates are to:

  1. Pay NOT more than N700 as Service Charge to the CBT Centre
  2. Provide Biodata including Date of Birth, Nationality, State of Origin, Local Government, Gender, e-mail address, among others
  3. Provide choice of institutions and programmes (disciplines)
  4. Provide qualification with grades and dates, if not awaiting result
  5. Upload relevant certificates, if not awaiting result
  6. O/L and or A/L grades are to be provided by candidates. Candidates who are awaiting results should supply the results online as soon as they are available on JAMB’s portal. No recommendations from any Institution will be considered by JAMB if the candidate has not supplied his/her result on the portal of JAMB
  7. Supply JAMB registration number for previous institutional certificates for DE only
  8. Provide UTME subjects and choice of examination town(s) for
    • Mock examination (optional)
    • Examination for UTME (actual examination)
  9. Do picture capture (no scanning of passport photograph)
  10. Do Biometric enrolment (ten fingers)
  11. Review entries and confirm correctness
  13. Collect, at no other cost, the reading text and CD
  14. Each Candidate is to collect his/her e-slip at the end of registration as evidence of registration
  15. There will be no offline registration, as all the accredited CBT centres have been empowered for real time online registration. No candidate should register at any centre other than the accredited CBT centre and JAMB State-Offices. Any candidate who is registered outside approved centres will be identified and disqualified.


  1. All candidates must mandatorily register their profiles through text messages as illustrated above before proceeding to buy the ePIN
  2. The registration fee is non-refundable
  3. As it is the practice, centres are allowed to charge not more than Seven Hundred Naira (700) only as registration Any centre that charges more than Seven Hundred Naira (700) should be reported to JAMB for appropriate sanctions
  4. All CBT centres have been mandated to select any of the participating banks, MMOs, MFBs, etc. These financial institutions are to be present at the CBT centres for the purpose of collecting all No CBT centre staff is allowed to conduct direct cash transaction with the candidates
  5. Candidates are advised to read and understand the guidelines on admission and instructions on how to complete the online registration before commencing the process of registration
  6. Multiple registrations are not Candidates who register more than once will be identified and disqualified
  7. Candidates should note that they are required to be present and take live photograph which will be embossed on their result slips and admission letters. No scanned/stapled passport photograph is allowed
  8. Candidates are to note that irrespective of their choice of course of study, they will also be tested on a general text: “Sweet Sixteen” by Bolaji Abdullahi for UTME and “The Last Days at Forcados High School” by H. Mohammed for Direct Entry Candidates
  9. Candidates/Officials would not be allowed to enter into the examination centre with wristwatch, Phone, electronic device, or any pen/biro. Only common pencil is allowed

Candidates are warned that the Board does not require nor authorise the services of ANY cyber cafe or establishment other than the accredited CBT centres for this exercise

JAMB Registration for Those in Foreign Countries.

Those form foreign countries are not exempted from JAMB registration. If you are from a foreign country, kindly follow the instructions below

  • Registration fee for candidates from the eight foreign countries is $20 or its equivalent in each of the eight countries
  • Candidates from the eight foreign countries are to download the Application from the Board’s website ( complete and submit it with the fee at the eight designated centres as indicated on the website.


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