Friday, May 15, 2015

How Not To Fall Asleep While Driving?

The car – a real convenience and flexibility. But in addition there are advantages and disadvantages – the ability to fall asleep at the wheel, losing vigilance and get into an accident. The journal tells about the simple method, allowing the driver to cheer up tired. Fall asleep at the wheel and everyone can. This usually happens because of a banal fatigue, habits nap after a hearty meal, reducing the concentration of attention due to taken drugs or monotonous landscapes. Many Things can be. It’s one thing when it comes to the half-hour trip to the city, and quite another – 12-hour traffic on the highway. Those drivers who have to drive a long time without a break, and the focus of this article. The Best Remedy For Fatigue – A Dream If you ask an experienced truck driver, you need to do in order not to fall asleep at the wheel, he will answer- get enough sleep before a flight. A warm bath, a good sleep and a cool shower in the morning – that’s the key vigor. But what happens when the trip does not end there, and his eyes just stick together? It is better to stay on the sidelines, close the car and take a nap for about 15-20 minutes. Even a little rest will return the body to another operation for 3-4 hours. The most “sleepy” watch, as practice shows, it is from 14 to 16 days,from 20 to 22 pm and from 2 to 4 nights. These passive periods is best done not driving. What about a little refreshment? To cheer up, you need to move a little bit. For example, to play the muscles in the legs or periodically change the position of the driver’s seat, depriving him of a pleasant convenience. Or stimulate the active points on the ear. Fine encourages impromptu shower – wash with cool water or wipe the neck and face wipes. All of these methods are suitable for hot summer days. In cold weather, just open the window, and the cool air will refresh you. Often drivers get tired eyes appear discomfort powdered. For such cases keep on hand any eye drops or gel “artificial tears”, they quickly lead to normal vision. Be sure to stop as all the eye drops for a few minutes obscure eyes. Tonic Yes, coffee and tea – is everything. No one has yet come up with anything more effective and affordable.But, unfortunately, you get used to caffeine and its effect over time becomes less noticeable. Therefore,should not be abused. Exactly how and energy. Yes, after the first burst of the bottle lasts about two hours.Each of the following is already in harm. According to studies, people with heart disease, it can be very harmful. And very scary overdose Energy (up to hallucinations), especially behind the wheel. My favorite music It would seem that any cheerful music can ward off sleep. In fact, if you listen to music for a long time one style, I want to sleep more. It is better to change the radio station or pre-record drive on the road with your favorite songs that can sing loudly. Better yet, take a trip garrulous companion. Have you straighten it periodically in small replicas. Or to set up an interesting conversation – it invigorates! What about Eat? Experienced drivers will always have at hand “something to chew on.” Someone is using for this purpose seeds, someone is afraid of dirty facilities and chew salted peanuts. Many people buy tart candies (“Pop”) or fruit (apples, grapes, oranges). Fails and banal match in the teeth. And the easiest way to cheer – chew mint gum extra or mint candy. And do not try to buy wood, lavender flavors for the interior! Only citrus fruits, sea and pine – they will help you not to fall asleep at the wheel. New Technologies Especially for drivers inventing new gadgets – Aniston device, in common “Wake Up!” It looks like a normal bluetooth-headset is attached to the ear and responds to the tilt of the head. As soon as the driver started to fall asleep, and tilt your head forward (backward tilt is not included), the beep signal. Should this as a useful gadget $ 2. It has even begun to be integrated into new models of bluetooth-headset. Tablets-power Another novelty for the drivers. In fact it is the same energy, only tablets. They often contain the same caffeine, vitamins and taurine. The advantage of such tablets is impossible to overdose. This is not a delicious drink that you drink as you want. And behind the wheel of the drink cans quite uncomfortable, and drank a pill and you go on. I would like to mention two that I know of “invigorating” preparations. First – Driver Bioskan +. This Preparation composed of natural ingredients. Often in the action at some gas stations, drivers give it for free, fill a full tank. Few believe in the efficacy of magic pills, but great reviews about the drug. Drivers can easily tolerate the way they have improved concentration, drowsiness away. But, arriving at their destination, they quietly fall asleep without toiling insomnia and tachycardia. Two capsules of the drug bythe action of a liter of comparable power! Another drug Elton P. It removes even the most severe fatigue due to the content of natural root Eleutherococcus and vitamins. These drugs are not drugs, they are registered as dietary supplements, so before taking you should consult with your doctor. Here we are told about the most common ways to combat fatigue and drowsiness. Share with readers his unique methods, if any! And also you can buy used cars at Lagos.JiJi, and do not sleep behind the wheel!


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