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Monday, July 06, 2015


INTRODUCTION Values and ethics are central to any organization; those operating in the national security arena are no exception. What exactly do we mean by values and ethics? Both are extremely broad terms, and we need to focus in on the aspects most relevant for strategic leaders and decision makers. What we will first discuss is the distinctive nature of ethics for public officials; second, the forces which influence the ethical behavior of individuals in organizations; and third, explore the actions strategic leaders can take to build ethical climates in their organizations. THE CHARACTER OF VALUES AND ETHICS Values can be defined as those things that are important to or valued by someone. That someone can be an individual or, collectively, an organization. One place where values are important is in relation to vision. One of the imperatives for organizational vision is that it must be based on and consistent with the organization's core values. In one example of a vision statement we'll look at later, the organization's core values - in this case, integrity, professionalism, caring, teamwork, and stewardship- were deemed important enough to be included with the statement of the organization's vision. Dr. John Johns, in an article entitled "The Ethical Dimensions of National Security," mentions honesty and loyalty as values that are the ingredients of integrity. When values are shared by all members of an organization, they are extraordinarily important tools for making judgments, assessing probable outcomes of contemplated actions, and choosing among alternatives. Perhaps more important, they put all members "on the same sheet of music" with regard to what all members as a body consider important. The Army, in 1986, had as the theme for the year "values," and listed four organizational values-loyalty, duty, selfless service, and integrity-and four individual values- commitment, competence, candor, and courage. A Department of the Army pamphlet entitled Values: The Bedrock of Our Profession spent some time talking about the importance of values, and included this definition: Values are what we, as a profession, judge to be right. They are more than words-they are the moral, ethical, and professional attributes of character . . . there are certain core values that must be instilled in members of the U.S. Army-civilian and uniformed soldier alike. These are not the only values that should determine our character, but they are ones that are central to our profession and should guide our lives as we serve our Nation. Values are the embodiment of what an organization stands for, and should be the basis for the behavior of its members. However, what if members of the organization do not share and have not internalized the organization's values? Obviously, a disconnect between individual and organizational values will be dysfunctional. Additionally, an organization may publish one set of values, perhaps in an effort to push forward a positive image, while the values that really guide organizational behavior are very different. When there is a disconnect between stated and operating values, it may be difficult to determine what is "acceptable." For example, two of the Army's organizational values include candor and courage. One might infer that officers are encouraged to "have the courage of their convictions" and speak their disagreements openly. In some cases, this does work; in others it does not. The same thing works at the level of the society. The principles by which the society functions do not necessarily conform to the principles stated. Those in power may covertly allow the use of force to suppress debate in order to remain in power. ("death squads" are an example.) In some organizations, dissent may be rewarded by termination-the organizational equivalent of "death squad" action. In others, a group member may be ostracized or expelled. Group members quickly learn the operating values, or they don't survive for long. To the extent they differ from stated values, the organization will not only suffer from doing things less effectively, but also from the cynicism of its members, who have yet another reason for mistrusting the leadership, or doubting its wisdom. VALUES PROVIDE THE BASIS FOR JUDGMENTS ABOUT WHAT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE ORGANIZATION TO SUCCEED IN ITS CORE BUSINESS. So, there are some disconnects, and these disconnects create problems. However, the central purpose of values remains. They state either an actual or an idealized set of criteria for evaluating options and deciding what is appropriate, based on long experience. The relevance of the Army's values, for example, is apparent. When soldiers may be called upon to expose themselves to mortal danger in the performance of their duty, they must be absolutely able to trust their fellow soldiers (to do their fair share and to help in the event of need) and their leaders (to guard them from unnecessary risk). So the Army's values prescribe conditions that facilitate trust, a necessary element in willingness to face danger. Without trust, risk tolerance will be low, as will combat effectiveness. TO BEHAVE ETHICALLY IS TO BEHAVE IN A MANNER THAT IS CONSISTENT WITH WHAT IS GENERALLY CONSIDERED TO BE RIGHT OR MORAL. ETHICAL BEHAVIOR IS THE BEDROCK OF MUTUAL TRUST. So how do values relate to ethics, and what do we mean by ethics? One of the keys is in the phrase we quoted above from the DA pamphlet: "Values are what we, as a profession, judge to be right." Individually or organizationally, values determine what is right and what is wrong, and doing what is right or wrong is what we mean by ethics. To behave ethically is to behave in a manner consistent with what is right or moral. What does "generally considered to be right" mean? That is a critical question, and part of the difficulty in deciding whether or not behavior is ethical is in determining what is right or wrong. Perhaps the first place to look in determining what is right or wrong is society. Virtually every society makes some determination of morally correct behavior. In Islamic countries, a determination of what is right or moral is tied to religious strictures. In societies more secular, the influence of religious beliefs may be less obvious, but still a key factor. In the United States much of what is believed to be right or wrong is based in Judeo-Christian heritage. The Ten Commandments, for many people, define what is morally right or wrong. Societies not only regulate the behavior of their members, but also define their societal core values. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" represent core American values. Experience often has led societies to develop beliefs about what is of value for the common good. (Note that societies differ from one another in the specifics, but not in the general principles.) One example is the notion of reciprocity. ("One good deed deserves another.") Another is the notion of good intent. ("A gentleman's word is his bond.") Yet, a third is the notion of appreciation of merit in others regardless of personal feelings. ("Give the Devil his due.") These all contain implied "shoulds" about how people interact and behave toward one another in groups, organizations, and societies. These "shoulds" define collective effort because they are fundamental to trust and to team relationships that entail risk. The greater the potential risk, the more important ethical practices become. Organizations, to some extent, define what is right or wrong for the members of the organization. Ethical codes, such as West Point's "A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do," make clear what the organization considers to be right or wrong. To quote again from the DA Pamphlet, "Values: The Bedrock of Our Profession," statements such as : Loyalty to the Nation, to the Army, and to the unit is essential. Selfless service puts the welfare of the Nation and the accomplishment of the assigned mission before individual welfare. All who serve the Nation must resist the temptation to pursue self-gain, personal advantage, and self-interest ahead of the collective good. [Integrity] is the basis for trust and confidence that must exist between the leaders and the led. Furthermore, integrity is demonstrated by propriety in one's personal life. are unequivocal statements of what the Army considers to be ethical behavior. What does "generally considered to be right" mean? All one needs to do is to look at the positive values of society and the organizations one belongs to, and what is right or wrong should be evident. There is another aspect to be considered, however, and that is the influence of societal or organizational norms. Norms are the unstated rules, usually informally reached by the members of a group, which govern the behavior of the group's members. Norms often have a greater effect on what is and isn't done by the members of a group than formal rules and regulations. The reason norms are important for a discussion of ethics and values is that norms may allow or even encourage certain behavior as "OK" that is not in keeping with society's or an organization's stated values. When there is a disconnect between stated and operating values, it may be difficult to determine what is "right." An example might be a company that has among its stated values to treat everyone with dignity and respect, but whose norms have permitted and perhaps even encouraged a pattern of sexual harassment over a number of years. Do those in the organization know that the behavior is wrong, but condone it nevertheless? Is it clear to the Bosnian Serbs that ethnic cleansing is unethical and wrong, or would it fall under the mantle of behavior that is considered to be acceptable in that society? Listen to the arguments in support of ethnic cleansing that have been made, and you will find that many of the perpetrators argued that they did nothing wrong, and were only righting previous wrongs done to them. THE PUBLIC TRUST If ethics and morality are important for groups and organizations, they should also be important for public officials, and for very much the same reasons. York Willbern, in an article entitled "Types and Levels of Public Morality," argues for six types or levels of morality (or ethics) for public officials. By public officials, he means those who are in policy making positions in public institutions; in other words, strategic decision makers in the government, including the national security arena. The six levels he differentiates are: basic honesty and conformity to law; conflicts of interest; service orientation and procedural fairness; the ethic of democratic responsibility; the ethic of public policy determination; and the ethic of compromise and social integration. WILLBERN'S LEVEL OF PUBLIC MORALITY ETHIC OF COMPROMISE AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION ETHIC OF PUBLIC POLICY DETERMINATION ETHIC OF DEMOCRATIC RESPONSIBILITY SERVICE ORIENTATION AND PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS CONFLICT OF INTEREST BASIC HONESTY AND CONFORMITY TO LAW BASIC HONESTY AND CONFORMITY TO LAW. "The public servant is morally bound, just as are other persons, to tell the truth, to keep promises, to respect the person and the property of others, and to abide by the requirements of the law" (Willbern). In many ways, this level only describes the basic adherence to moral codes that is expected of all members of a group or society. There are some basics of behavior that are expected of all if a society is to function for the collective good. For public officials, there is an additional reason why it is important to adhere to these basic moral codes and laws: they have more power than the average member of the society, and hence more opportunity for violation of those codes or laws. There also is the negative example that misconduct by public officials provides. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. This relates to public officials, because it deals with the conflict between advancing the public interest, which a public official is charged to do, and advancing one's self-interest. The duty here is to ensure that the public interest comes first, and that one does not advance his own personal interest at the expense of the public. Willbern uses embezzlement of public funds, bribery, and contract kickbacks as examples of pursuing personal interests at the expense of those of the public. The requirements for public officials to divest themselves of investments that might be influenced by the performance of their duties (or put them in trust) and to recuse themselves in situations where they have a personal interest are designed to help public officials avoid conflicts of interest. Ultimately, it still comes down to the individual making an ethical decision. Avoidance of conflict of interest is often difficult because it is often hard to separate personal and public interests, and because individuals as private citizens are encouraged to pursue private interests through any legal means. One of the areas where there is the greatest potential for conflicts of interest is where public officials deal with private organizations which are pursuing their private interests, and where any decision by a public official on allocation of resources will favor some private interest. The fields of government contracting and acquisition are two areas where the possibility of conflicts of interest is high. SERVICE ORIENTATION AND PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS. This level relates closely to the last, and deals with the responsibility of public officials to ensure their actions serve the public, and that the power they wield is used only for that purpose. It is easy to abuse the power that comes with public office. Procedural safeguards are designed to prevent that abuse. The moral obligation of public servants is to follow established procedures, and not to use their power to circumvent those procedures for their own convenience or benefit. Power must be used fairly and for the benefit of the public. One can again think of examples of public officials who have violated this moral charge by using their influence and power for their own benefit or for the benefit of special interest groups, or who have circumvented established procedures for their own benefit or convenience. One frequent example is the use of government vehicles or aircraft for nonofficial business. These first three levels of public morality share one important characteristic: they all relate to the behavior or conduct of public officials. These three levels are the areas that get most of the attention in discussions of ethics, this is where public officials are most likely to get in trouble. However, there are three additional levels of public morality equally important. These deal with the content of what public officials do, "the moral choices involved in deciding what to do, in pursuing the purposes of the state and the society" (Willbern). THE ETHIC OF DEMOCRATIC RESPONSIBILITY. Given that public officials are operating within a democratic system, they either are elected by the people or appointed by an elected official. This confers upon them the obligation to carry out the will of the people. However, public officials also have the responsibility to make moral choices consistent with their own values, and that may be in conflict with what they perceive to be the will of the people. Willbern contends that the public official acts according to his or her own judgment, rationalizing that it would be the will of the people if they were well enough informed on the issue. To give one example of this level of public morality, consider whether or not the representative in Congress is morally bound to support policies and legislation which his constituents overwhelmingly support but he personally opposes. THE ETHIC OF PUBLIC POLICY DETERMINATION. This level involves the most difficult ethical choices, because it concerns making moral judgments about public policies. The responsibility is to make moral policies; the difficulty is in determining how moral a policy is. Public policies almost always deal with very complex issues, where ethical choices are rarely clear, and it is often difficult to determine if a policy is right or wrong. For example, many public policies deal with the distribution of limited resources. Is it right or wrong to slash funding for one program, or to increase funding for another? In almost any decision, there will be winners and losers, and there will be some benefit for some and cost to others. "Right" and "wrong" may not apply. Equity and fairness are important considerations, but not always easy to discern. The determination of how much funding to provide for national security, and which social programs to fund, involves ethical choices of the most difficult type. What is the difference between equality and equity? Consider the controversy around affirmative action programs: are they examples of moral public policies? THE ETHIC OF COMPROMISE AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION. This final level deals with an area not as salient as some of the others. It deals with the necessity for compromise in a society. A society with irreconcilable differences on fundamental issues will be torn apart. Hence, it becomes a moral obligation of public officials to engage in give and take, working toward compromise in the policies they develop. One often sees legislators in our political system establishing positions where they may not get all they want from particular legislation, but will settle for some of what they want. Willbern contends that compromise, rather than standing on principle, is moral, because without compromise there will be discord and conflict, and disintegration rather than integration of the society. Public officials are given the trust of the public to develop and carry out policies that are in the public's best interest. Living up to this trust has a significant impact on the national will; public confidence is essential to the exercise of national power. Public officials have a moral duty to act in a trustworthy manner. Why, then, do individuals behave unethically? One reason is the complexity of the issues leaders deal with, and the difficulty in many instances of determining which is the most ethical alternative. There are several systemic factors. One is the competition for scarce resources. It is easy to slip into unethical acts to gain a competitive advantage in the race for position or power. A second is conflicting loyalties, which Johns labels "the most troublesome ethical dilemma facing public officials." The Iran Contra affair is a case of unethical behavior on the part of North, Poindexter, Secord, and McFarlane because of misplaced loyalty to the executive chain of command. Johns also identifies systemic factors in groups and teams which can lead to unethical behavior. One is groupthink, which can occur in a homogeneous group with a strong leader. A second is the presence of idealogues: individuals who view their own extreme positions as "right" and any opposing positions as "wrong." A third is the organization's response to dissent. There are few incentives for "whistleblowers" or those who try to expose unethical behavior in organizations. Organizational norms encourage "going along" and discourage questioning the unethical actions of others. This can quickly compromise ethical standards in any organization. CAUSES OF UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR INDIVIDUAL COMPLEXITY OF STRATEGIC ISSUES OBSCURES ETHICS COMPETITION FOR SCARCE RESOURCES/ POWER/POSITION CONFLICTING LOYALTIES GROUP GROUPTHINK PRESENCE OF IDEALOGUES NEGATIVE ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSE TO DISSENT ETHICS IN PRACTICE Kenneth R. Andrews, in "Ethics in Practice," contends that there are three aspects to ethical behavior in organizations: the development of the individual as an ethical person, the effect of the organization as an ethical or unethical environment, and the actions or procedures developed by the organization to encourage ethical behavior and discourage unethical behavior. INFLUENCES ON ETHICAL BEHAVIOR PRIOR DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL AS ETHICAL PERSON. THE ORGANIZATION AS AN ETHICAL ENVIRONMENT. PROCEDURES THAT ENCOURAGE ETHICAL BEHAVIOR. Most of an individual's ethical development occurs before entering an organization. The influence of family, church, community, and school will determine individual values. The organization, to a large extent, is dealing with individuals whose value base has been established. This might imply that ethical organizations are those fortunate enough to bring in ethical individuals, while unethical organizations brought in unethical people. But it is not that simple. While the internalized values of individuals are important, the organization has a major impact on the behavior of its members, and can have a positive or negative influence on their values. One example of the development of ethical individuals is the service academies. In their admissions processes, the academies attempt to get individuals of good character with the values integral to the military profession. However, the academies also recognize that their core values may be different than those prevalent in society, and they devote considerable effort to the development and internalization of their core values. As is evident from periodic breaches of integrity at the academies, e.g., cheating scandals, these attempts to instill core values do not always succeed. There are three qualities individuals must possess to make ethical decisions. The first is the ability to recognize ethical issues and to reason through the ethical consequences of decisions. The ability to see second and third order effects, one of the elements of strategic thinking, is very important. The second is the ability to look at alternative points of view, deciding what is right in a particular set of circumstances. This is similar to the ability to reframe. And the third is the ability to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty; making a decision on the best information available. ATTRIBUTES FOR ETHICAL DECISIONS SEEING SECOND- AND THIRD-ORDER CONSEQUENCES-"WARGAMING" ETHICAL CONSEQUENCES OF DECISIONS SEEING ALTERNATIVE POINTS OF VIEW-REFRAMING DEALING WITH AMBIGUITY AND UNCERTAINTY-MAKING DECISIONS WITH BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE As important as these individual characteristics are, the influence of the organization is equally important. The ethical standards that one observes in the organization will have a significant effect on individual behavior. "People will do what they are rewarded for doing" (Andrews). The organization has its greatest impact in the standards it establishes for ethical and unethical conduct in its formal reward systems. Informal norms also have a strong influence on individuals' behavior as do the actions of the leaders of the organization. Strategic leaders must understand that their actions, more than words alone, will determine the operating values in the organization. The influence of the organizational context is underscored in "Why Be Honest If Honesty Doesn't Pay?" In this article, Bhide and Stevenson note that there often are no economic or other incentives to encourage ethical behavior and discourage unethical behavior. They contend that it most often is the dishonest individual who gets ahead, and that cases where unethical behavior was punished are far outweighed by those in which there either were no consequences or unethical behavior was rewarded. The Gordon Ghekkos of the world (the unethical corporate executive played by Michael Douglas in the movie "Wall Street") often get ahead, because they rarely are held to account for their actions. While these observations might lead one to a cynical view of ethics in organizations, Bhide and Stevenson come to a different conclusion. They see room for optimism despite the lack of financial gain for ethical behavior, or the absence of negative consequences for unethical behavior. Their reasoning is based in the fact that so many people do behave ethically, in spite of the apparent lack of gain. Ethical behavior must be intrinsically rewarding; and most people behave ethically because it's the right thing to do. People are guided by their personal value systems. They often "choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong" specifically because of their intrinsic values of what is right. Bhide and Stevenson make this caveat: We should remember, however, that only as long as most of us live by an honorable moral compass. Since our trust isn't grounded in self-interest, it is fragile. And, indeed, we all know of organizations, industries, and even whole societies in which trust has given way either to a destructive free-for-all or to inflexible rules and bureaucracy. Only our individual wills, our determination to do what is right, whether or not it is profitable, save us from choosing between chaos and stagnation. ETHICAL RESPONSES Chaloupka, in "Ethical Responses: How to Influence One's Organization," asserts that organization members have only three choices when confronted with unethical behavior: exit, voice, or loyalty. Exit is the most direct response: if you can't live with behavior that does not meet your own ethical standards, leave. However, exit is not only a direct response, it is a final one, so the personal and organizational consequences must be considered. The most important personal consequences are the costs. Where do you go from there? What other options are available? How marketable are you? Can you afford the financial loss? There are specific organizational consequences as well. Will the ethics of the organization's leaders change? Will they do business with someone else who doesn't have the high standards you do? In leaving, one gives up the ability to influence the organization directly. When considering exit, one must ask, "Could I have had more of an impact by remaining in the organization and trying to change it from within?" Voice. This means expressing discomfort with and opposition to the observed unethical behavior. To whom do you voice your objections? The obvious choice is your supervisor. But what if your supervisor condones the unethical behavior, or worse, is its source? You may be jeopardizing your position, and maybe your membership in the organization. A second choice is to go to senior management. This also has potential risk. The senior leadership may be condoning or even directing the unethical behavior. This action may bring your loyalty into question. If so, your objections may be covered up or ignored, and you may end up being forced out of the organization. On the other hand, it may be that the senior leadership is unaware of the unethical behavior, and you may have initiated an organizational response eliminating unethical behavior and restoring ethical standards. A third option is to go public, to engage in "whistleblowing." This is also risky, because it can lead to reprisals with negative consequences. The level of risk depends on the commitment of the organization to high ethical standards and on its willingness to encourage whistleblowing in its own best interests. Many organizations have shown commitment to ferreting out unethical individuals and maintaining high ethical standards by establishing procedures for anonymous reporting of ethical breaches and safeguards to protect whistleblowers. Exit and voice may be combined. An individual resigns in protest and goes public with his or her reasons for leaving. This leaves the individual vulnerable to the label of an employee who quit before being fired, but it also can lead to increased credibility as someone acting on conviction in spite of personal cost. Exit combined with voice is most effective if taken by someone at the upper levels of the organization. An organization can more easily ignore the "exit + voice" of a lower level employee than it can the resignation of a strategic leader, followed immediately by a press conference. The widely publicized resignation of former President Bush from the National Rifle Association over what he viewed as extreme actions is an example of exit combined with voice. It undoubtedly had a much greater effect on the NRA than the resignation of someone less well known and respected. The resignation of James Webb as Secretary of the Navy is another example of effective exit combined with voice. Loyalty. The final response to unethical behavior in an organization is loyalty. This is the alternative to exit. Instead of leaving, the individual remains and tries to change the organization from within. Loyalty thus discourages or delays exit. Loyalty also may discourage public voice, since being loyal to the organization means trying to solve problems from within without causing public embarrassment or damage. Loyalty can also encourage unethical behavior, particularly in organizations which promote loyalty above all. These organizations discourage exit and voice, and basically want their members to "go along" with organizational practices. An interesting question is, "Can an individual be loyal to an organization by engaging in exit or voice as a response to unethical behavior?" Chaloupka maintains that both exit and voice must exist for continued organizational effectiveness. Additionally, an organization cannot maintain high ethical standards without mechanisms for eliminating unethical behavior. Also, loyalty is not always a virtue. Loyalty should be predicated on the organization's ethical demonstration that it is worthy of loyalty. If the organization condones unethical behavior, it relieves the individual of any responsibility to be loyal. BUILDING AN ETHICAL CLIMATE How can the strategic leaders of an organization build an ethical climate? Andrews suggests a number of steps that foster corporate ethics. First are the actions of the strategic leadership and the way they deal with ethical issues. The pattern of top leaders' behavior determines organizational values. A second step is to make explicit ethics policies. Ethical codes are one common example. The next step is to increase awareness of how to apply those ethical codes. Training on how to deal with situations with an ethical dimension, and how to anticipate situations that involve ethical choices, can go a long way toward ethical institutional practices. Another step to increase the salience of ethics is to expand the information system to focus on areas where ethics may come into play. Knowing what actually is going on in the organization is essential to understanding the ethical principles which govern behavior. The information system should also support ethical behavior, and allow the strategic leader to know when or where there are potential ethical breaches so that corrective action can be taken. The real danger is that when unethical behavior is unnoticed, or not punished, members will assume it is condoned by the organization's leadership. CONCLUSION Establishing moral principles means determining the core values which should guide the organization. O'Brien suggests four for consideration: localness, merit, openness, and leanness. By localness, he means adopting a philosophy of pushing power down to the lowest level possible, and encouraging initiative and autonomy. By merit, he means directing actions toward the overall goals of the organization, and what is best for all. By openness, he means being forthright and honest in all dealings. And by leanness, he means efficient use of resources and economies when possible. ULTIMATELY, THE QUEST FOR ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION MUST BEGIN WITH A PERSONAL COMMITMENT WITHIN EACH INDIVIDUAL TO PURSUE MORAL EXCELLENCE. O'BRIEN Encouraging leaders to pursue their own moral development is critical at higher levels because strategic leaders set the moral climate for the organization. O'Brien believes that moral development is even more important than professional development. "Creating a culture based on moral excellence requires a commitment among managers to embody and develop two qualities in their leadership: virtue and wisdom." However, creating an organization characterized by moral excellence is a lengthy process. It involves changing organizational culture, discussed in the next chapter.

Thursday, June 04, 2015


VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 1. A is 0.125mol/dm3 of H2SO4. B is a solution containing xgdm^-3 of NaOH. (a.) Put A into the burette and titrate it against 20.0cm3 or 25.0cm3 portion of B using Methyl Orange as indicator. Record the volume of your pipette. Tabulate your burette readings and Calculate the average volume of A used. THE EQUATION FOR THE REACTION IS H2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH --> Na2SO4 + 2H2O From Your result and Information provided above, Calculate (i) the amount of H2SO4 in the the average volume of A used. (ii) Concentration of B in mol/dm3 (iii) Value of X. [H=1,O=16,Na=23] SOLUTIONS The Equation for the Reaction: H2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH --> Na2SO4 + 2H2O TABLE OF VALUE Bur Rd|Rough|1st|2nd |3rdFinal|24.00|24.30| 29.30|34.30 Initial|0.00|0.00 |5.00 |10.00 Vol. |24.00|24.30|24.30| 24.30 NOTE: Rough,1st titre,2nd titre,3rd titre are all in (cm3) AVERAGE VOLUME OF ACID USED = 24.30+24.30+24.30/3 = 72.9/3 =24.30. (Bi) A contains 0.125mol/ dm3 of H2SO4(given) ie 0.125 in 1000cm3 of H2SO4 .:. X in 24.30; X = 24.30/1000 * 0.125 = 0.00303 = 0.003 mol per 24.30cm3. (ii) Conc of A * Vol of A/ Conc of B * Vol of B =nA/nB ie CAVA/CBVB = nA/nB = 0.125*24.30/CB*25 = 1/2 CB = 6.075/25 = 0.243 = 0.24mol/dm3. (iii) B contains Xgdm3 of NaOH, Molar Mass of NaOH = 40g. Mass Conc = Mole Concentration * Molar Mass = 0.243 * 40 = 9.72g ====================== ======================= SALT ANALYSIS br /> 2. (a) TEST Xn + Distilled H2O OBSERVATION: White ppt, colourless solution observed. INFERENCE Soluble Salt ======================= (i) *TEST Filterate + BaCl2 + Dil HCl in excess. *OBSERVATION White ppt formed. Precipitate Insoluble. *INFERENCE: SO4^2-,SO3^2-, CO3^2- Present. ======================= TEST: Residue + dilute HCl OBSERVATION: Effervescence gas evolved. An odourless gas. Deep blue ppt. INFERENCE: Cu^2+ Present. ======================= TEST: Filterate + HNO3 + AgNO3 + NH3 *OBSERVATION No visible reaction. White ppt formed. Ppt dissolved in excess NH3(aq) *INFERENCE Cl^- present. Cl^- confirmed. ======================= (bi) TEST Filterate + BaCl2 + dil HCl *OBSERVATION br /> White ppt remained insoluble. *INFERENCE: CO3^2-, SO4^2- Present. ======================= (ii) TEST A portion of (bi) + NaOH solution dropwise and in excess. *OBSERVATION: A light blue ppt insoluble in excess of NaOH Solution. *INFERENCE Cu^2+ present

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Neco Expo : 2015 100% Correct Neco questions and Answers


Neco Timetable: 2015/2016 June July Official NECO Time Table

Neco SSCE Time Table starts Here! ========================== Monday 1st June Paper I: Practical - Physics 10:00am – 12:45pm ================================================== Tuesday 2nd June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Civic Education 10.00am-1.00pm ================================================== Wednesday 3rd June Paper I: Practical - Computer Studies 10:00am - 1:00pm ================================================= Thursday 4th June Paper I: Practical - Chemistry 10.00am-12.00pm ================================================== Friday 5th June Paper I: Practical - Biology 10.00am-12.00pm ================================================== Monday 8th June Paper I: Practical - Data Processing 10.00 am - 1.00 pm ================================================== Tuesday 9th June Paper I: Practical - Agricultural Science 10:00am – 11:30am ================================================== Wednesday 10th June Paper III & I: Objective & Practical / Physical - Geography - 10:00am – 12:30pm Paper I: Practical - Basic Electricity - 2:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Thursday 11th June Paper III: Objective - General Mathematics - 10:00am – 11:45am Paper II: Essay - General Mathematics - 12:00noon – 2:30pm ========================================= Friday 12th June Paper III & IV: Objective & Drawing - Technical Drawing 10:00am – 12:30pm ========================================= Monday 15th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Physics - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay – Store Management - 2:00pm – 4:40pm ========================================= Tuesday 16th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Government - 10:00am – 12:40pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Music - 2:00pm – 4:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - General Metal Work - 2:00pm – 4:30pm ========================================= Wednesday 17th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Chemistry - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper I: Drawing – Building Construction - 2:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Thursday 18th June Paper II & III: Essay & Objective - English Language - 10:00am – 12:45pm Paper IV: Test of Orals - English Language - 12:45pm – 1:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Animal Husbandry - 3:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Friday 19th June Paper II: Essay - Geography - 10:00am - 12:00noon Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Electronics - 3:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Monday 22nd June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Economics - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Foods & Nutrition - 2:30pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Tuesday 23rd June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Biology = 10:00am 12:30pm Paper III & II: Objective, Essay & Literature - Arabic - 2:00pm – 5:30pm ========================================= Wednesday 24th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Computer Studies - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper I: Written Comprehension - French - 2:00pm – 3:00pm Paper II: Written Expression - French - 3:00pm – 4:45pm ========================================= Thursday 25th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Commerce - 10:00am – 12:40pm Paper IV: Drawing & Design - Woodwork - 1:00pm – 3:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Woodwork - 3:30pm – 5:30pm ========================================= Friday 26th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Agricultural Science - 10:00am – 12:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Insurance - 3:00pm – 5:40pm ========================================= Monday 29th June Paper III: Objective - Further Mathematics - 10:00am - 12:00noon Paper II: Essay - Further Mathematics - 12:00 noon – 2:30pm Paper III & IV: Objective & Prose - Literature in English - 3:00pm – 5:15pm ========================================= Tuesday 30th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Hausa Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Igbo Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Yoruba Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Edo Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Efik Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Ibibio 10:00am – 1:00pm ========================================= Wednesday 1st July Paper I: Practical - Technical Drawing - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper II: Drama & Poetry - Literature in English - 2:30pm – 4:10pm ========================================= Thursday 2nd July Paper III: Objective - Financial Accounting - 10:00am – 11:20am Paper II: Theory & Practice - Financial Accounting - 11:20am – 1:50pm ========================================= Friday 3rd July Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Christian Religious Studies - 10:00am – 12:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Islamic Studies - 10:00am – 12:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Physical Education - 3:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Wednesday 8th July Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Visual Art - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Office Practice - 2:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Thursday 9th July Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - History - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Data Processing - 2:00pm – 5:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Marketing - 2:00pm – 4:40pm ========================================= Friday 10th July Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Health Education - 10:00am - 12:00noon Paper I: Test of Practical - Health Education - 3:00pm – 4:30pm ========================================= Timetable ends here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Project for Human Development raises alarm over abortion plans by UNFPA

At a press conference in Lagos, Director- General of a PRO-LIFE non-governmental organisation, The Project for Human Development, PHD, Jerry Okwuosa raised an alarm over alleged plans by the United Nations Population Funds, UNFPA, to reduce the Nigerian population by offering abortion services to pregnant women and girls recently rescued from Boko Haram by the Nigerian Armed Forces. He condemned any attempt to subject the pregnant women and girls in the Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs, camps to a traumatic, violent-wrecking and life-threatening abortion process. Okwuosa who accused UNFPA of having hidden intentions which is to reduce the population of Nigeria said: “We are aware that currently UNFPA is providing counselling to these Nigerians in the displacement camps in Borno State. Also reproductive health kits and dignity kits have also been deployed in Borno and Adamawa states to support safe childbirth. These are laudable achievements but at a hidden cost he said. “We are being told that all the visibly pregnant mothers in the IDP, camp must be aborted and others sterilised for fear that their babies will become Boko Haram terrorists, since some of them have been raped by the sect. UNFPA’s abortion and sterilisation services are geared towards depopulation,” he posited. “The UNFPA is an organisation whose primary interest is population control. In the developed countries of the world now in their demographic winter, UNFPA’s job is to promote population increase by all means. He further stated that developed countries will do anything to increase their population because they are dying out. Mr Sonnie Ekwuwusi, a director in the organization agreed with Okwuosa'ssentiments stating that the appointment of former Minister of Health, Professor Babatunde Osotimehin as Director General of UNFPA was aimed at making Nigerians and Africa as a whole buy into the idea of depopulation Ekwuwusi however condemned any attempt to subject these pregnant women and girls in the IDPs to a traumatic, violent-wrecking and life-threatening abortion processes. He recommended: “The pregnant girls and women should be offered free ante- natal clinics and rehabilitation centres where they could go to safely give birth to their babies and afterwards they could give them out for legal adoption if for any reason they do not want to keep the babies,”. The Guardian.

Pope Francis says he hasnt watched TV since 1990

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church, who has made waves of connections reaching out to disaffected Catholics and insisting on making the poor a top priority, hasn't watched TV since July 15, 1990, he revealed in an interview published in the Argentinian newspaper La Voz del Pueblo. The pontiff did not reveal why he gave up watching TV, except to say he decided it wasn't for him, before promising the Virgin Mary he wouldn't watch again. That promise has kept him from watching his favorite soccer team, Buenos Aires-based San Lorenzo, but he told the paper a member of his Swiss Guard tells him the scores and keeps him up to date on the standings. Pope Francis said he really misses the tranquility of just walking the streets. The Pope concluded that he would like to be remembered as a "good guy" who tried to do good".

Jonathan deprived EFCC of funds –Lamorde

Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde, yesterday indicted the outgoing Jonathan administration, blaming it over the poor performance of the agency. Speaking through the commission’s spokesman, Wilson Uwujaren, the EFCC boss, blamed its inability to tackle corruption on inadequate funding from the outgoing government. According to Uwujaren, “we are happy that the incoming government is making the fight against corruption one of its cardinal objectives. Every Nigerian is happy about that. EFCC has been doing this for more than 11 years. We are proud of what the incoming administration wants to do. “We need an administration that will look at what we are doing and empower us sufficiently to enable us make more impact than we have ever done in the past. We welcome the focus and we believe Nigeria needs to tackle this fight more rigorously for us to make the needed impact.” Uwujaren proudly listed series of achievements recorded by the agency in over 10 years of its existence, claiming significant progress had been made in the prosecution of former governors. He said assets that belonged to some of ex-governors had been seized, while money running into billions of dollars had been recovered on behalf of the Nigerian government. “It is important to recall some of the milestones achieved by the commission in the investigation, prosecution and recovery of assets of politically exposed persons, including ex-governors,” Uwujaren noted. He denied rumours that the EFCC was involvedin corruption in regards to seized assets and frozen accounts of suspects. Sun News

B.B. King was poisoned by his Manager, say his daughters

the reason they said she killed him was because she refused to let them see their Dad when he was gravely sick and then prevented them from taking photos of him when they eventually saw his body. Williams and Patty King - along with sisters Rita Washington and Barbara King Winfree, and brother Willie King - first raised suspicions last week during a viewing of King's body. A week before King's death, a judge in Las Vegas dismissed a request from Williams to take over as King's guardian. An April 29 petition alleged that Toney had blocked King's friends from visiting him and had put her family members on King's payroll. It also alleged that large sums of money had disappeared from King's bank accounts. On Thursday they said that they didn't think their father looked like himself. Their father reportedly died from several stroked caused by his diabetes. Williams and Patty King accused Toney of keeping them from seeing their father for a week after he died May 14 at home at age 89 and of preventing them from taking photos of him in his casket. 'A picture paints 1,000 words,' Patty King said as she showed cellphone images of the same family group with their father at his birthday in September. 'He loved his children.' The five family members refer to themselves as a family board. Three doctors determined that King was appropriately cared-for, and King received 24-hour care and monitoring by medical professionals "up until the time that he peacefully passed away in his sleep," Toney's attorney Brent Bryson said on Monday. "He did not want invasive medical procedures," he said. "He made the decision to return home for hospice care instead of staying in a hospital. These unfounded allegations have caused Mr. King to undergo an autopsy, which is exactly what he didn't want." B.B. King is survived by 11 of his 15 children. Toney said she's doing what B.B. King said he wanted. 'They want to do what they want to do, which is take over, I guess, but that wasn't Mr. King's wishes. Mr. King would be appalled.' B.B. King's will, dated Jan. 18, 2007, and filed Wednesday under his birth name, Riley B. King, appoints Toney as sole executor of his affairs. Another daughter, Riletta Williams, was second in line, but she died last September. Toney is banning the media and photographs of any kind during the public viewing from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Palm Mortuary on South Jones Boulevard. Funeral director Matt Phillips said viewers will be able to file past the open casket and security officials will prevent photos. The media won't be allowed inside. Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said on Monday that an autopsy was performed on King's embalmed body on Sunday, and that the test results will take up to eight weeks. B.B. King will be buried on May 30 at the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center in Indianola. AP.

Catholic Bishops appeal to rescued pregnant women not to consider abortion

Catholic Bishops in Nigeria have appealed to rescued women who are pregnant for Boko Haram members not to consider abortion. The Catholic Bishops, under the aegis "Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, CBCN spoke through the Chairman, Health Committee of the CBCN, Most Reverend Anselm Umoren at a press conference in Abuja today May 25th. The Bishops in their submission, said the life of every baby was distinct from that of the parents. They insisted that aborting such children amounted to visiting the sin of the terrorists, who impregnated the women, on the innocent child.

Gov. Amaechi speaks on his fight with Patience Jonathan and GEJ

Rivers state governor, Rotimi Amaechi says despite the effort by First Lady Patience Jonathan and the president to remove him from office, they are all leaving government at the same time. He said the president and his wife had wanted him to leave office before the end of his tenure but he is now seeing the end of his administration. While speaking at the presentation of a special documentary titled 'The Amaechi Years', the governor said Patience Jonathan interfered with operations of the military apparatus in the state, ordering the transfer of military officers in the state just because they greeted him. "People have asked me why I opposed President Goodluck Jonathan. When the fight started, instead of receiving money from the Federal government, we were sending money to the Federal Government. Have you seen a country where the Commissioner of Police reports to the wife of the President? That is happening in Rivers State. Have you seen a country where a Brigade Commander reports to the wife of the President or where the Navy Commander or Air force Commander reports to the wife of the President? This happened in Rivers State. The wife of the President will come, they will go and wait for her at the airport. She will tell them to come there at 9.00am, she will come by 12noon. They will escort her to her house, she will go upstairs and come down by 9.00pm and they will all be on ground waiting for her. She will say, I heard you greeted Amaechi last week. Why did you greet him? I will transfer you and you are transferred. The more she did that, the more the President turned his back, and the more I fought because I felt that such a system is not a system that will make Nigeria grow. Why I agree with my friends who says forget the past because it is gone, I think it is a lesson. Governance is about the man that has been elected and he has the responsibility to deliver services to the people. There was a time when it was everywhere that the Supreme Court will remove Amaechi. That was on until we defeated them at the Supreme Court. I told the Rivers people to go about their business because I have finished praying and that President Jonathan cannot remove me. We are leaving at the same time. They didn’t want me to stay to the end, but here I am staying till the end.”he said

Pic: Masturbating men ‘will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife’- Muslim televangelist

A Muslim televangelist, Mücahid Cihad Han has set Turkish social media aflame by claiming that a man would meet his masturbating hand 'pregnant in the afterlife' and is 'asking for its rights. Lol Self-styled televangelist Mücahid Cihad Han dived into some delicate matters on May 24 when he answered his viewers’ questions on private television station 2000 TV, Turkish media has reported. Han initially looked puzzled when a viewer said he 'kept masturbating, although he was married, and even during the Umrah,” a pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims which can be undertaken at any time of the year, in contrast to the Hajj. After repeating the question a few times, Han claimed that Islam strictly prohibits masturbation as a “haram” (forbidden) act. “Moreover, one hadith states that those who have sexual intercourse with their hands will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, complaining against them to God over its rights,” he said, referring to what he claimed to be a saying of Prophet Muhammad. “If our viewer was single, I could recommend he marry, but what can I say now?” the televangelist added, advising the viewer to “resist Satan’s temptations.” Is masturbation forbidden in Islam? “Istimna,” the Arabic term for masturbation that Han also referred to, is a controversial issue in Islam, as there have been varying opinions on its permissibility throughout history. The Quran has no clear reference to masturbation and the authenticity of many hadiths is questionable. Despite Han’s assertive religious stance, only a limited number of Islamic interpretations categorize masturbation as “haram,” while most of others call it a “makruh” (disliked) act. Many of the mainstream Islamic interpretations even allow it in certain conditions, like if the act could be used to avoid the temptation of an extramarital affair. Han, who has more than 12,000 followers on Twitter, was mocked on Turkish social media on May 25, after newspapers published his latest television “fatwa.” “Are there any hand-gynaecologists in the afterlife? Is abortion allowed there?” one Twitter user asked, while mentioning Han’s Twitter user name. “So you think that being pregnant is a God-given punishment?” another user asked. Source: Hurriyetdailynews

NASA Discovers New Planet Covered With Marijuana

NASA has announced this morning that they have discovered a planet completely covered with marijuana, a discovery that has completely taken scientists by surprise. Planet X637Z-43, discovered using NASA’s Kepler satellite, would also allegedly be one of the very few planets potentially habitable according to NASA experts, who have detected sufficient levels of oxygen and nitrogen to support human life. The presence of marijuana on other planets could strongly encourage future generations to take interest in space exploration, some experts believe. Scoop has more: “We always think young people aren’t interested by anything but it’s false. Young people love smoking pot,” explains David Charbonneau, astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. “Chlorophyll concentration analyses generated by Kepler lead us to believe that the level of THC in these marijuana plants is 3000% higher than the plants found on Earth. If that doesn’t motivate young people to explore space, I don’t know what will,” admits the expert, clearly enthusiastic. “Regardless, marijuana will without a doubt be a valuable and indispensable resource for interstellar trips. Imagine if it takes 140 years to travel from one planet to another, let’s just say it’s going to be a very long trip. You better have rolled yourself a couple of joints for the road,” he admits with humor. Since the discovery, NASA has launched a campaign on social medias to name the new planet and so far, the name Bob Marley has taken the lead with over 2 094 367 votes at the time of this report.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Buhari Takes Ogun Governor Amosun & Others On A Tour Of His Farm In Daura (Photos)

Looks like president-elect, Muhammadu Buhari, is having a pretty relaxing Thursday morning. He is currently at his farm in Daura, Katsina giving Ogun State governor, Ibikunle Amosun and others a tour of place. Here are some photos from their leisurely stroll:

Civil Servant Attempts Suicide Over Unpaid Salaries

Mr. Ojo Owolabi, a senior civil servant in the Obokun Local Government Area of Osun State, tried to kill himself by drinking a large quantity of insecticide. It was gathered that Owolabi tried to kill himself because his salary hadn’t been paid for the last 6 months, hence was unable to feed his family. According to Punch, the incident which took place last Saturday caused panic in the neighborhood when the news spread that Owolabi had tried to commit suicide. Owolabi, who is a sanitary officer at the council was receiving treatment at a hospital. A source close to Owolabi said he became frustrated because he couldn’t take care of his family. The source said: Baba Ibeji (Owolabi) drank herbicide. He was frustrated because he has been unable to feed himself and other members of his family. You are aware that the state government has not paid workers for some months now. I think he just lost hope and decided to take his life by drinking Gramoxone. Members of his family rushed him to a hospital in Ile Ife, where he was admitted

Thursday, May 21, 2015

EXPOSED!! Niger Journalist Arrested For ‘Collaborating’ With Boko Haram

The government of Niger has arrested a journalist, Moussa Tchangari for allegedly collaborating with Boko Haram men. The rights activist who is known for his outspoken criticism of the humanitarian crisis in southeastern Niger is said to be spreading false news against the government, reports say. According to the Interior minister Hassoumi Massaoudou, AFP reports that Tchangari was arrested for spreading propaganda. This man has been collaborating with Boko Haram for some time, and he is actively spreading propaganda and false news in liaison with Boko Haram. All his propaganda aims to show… that Niger’s defence and security forces are the criminals… (and) not Boko Haram, the minister explains. Tchangari was arrested on Monday and charged with criminal links to terrorist group. Human rights watchdog Amnesty International, has however called for the immediate release of the journalist.

Man riding bicycle from Yola to Abuja for Buhari arrives in Abuja

The man riding his bicycle from Yola to Abuja was spotted outside Buhari's office on Lobito crescent today. He said he rode to Abuja for Buhari's swearing in ceremony.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

[Music] 2Tyt Klassic Ft. Terry G x Klever Jay x Q-Dot – Wellu Wellu (Part2)

2TYT KLASSIC needs no Introduction to the music Industry,he’s signed to World of Klassic Tunz. 2TYT KLASSIC is back with the Part 2 of his hit single “WELLU WELLU” and he’s got KLEVER JAY,TERRY G and Q DOT all on the Part 2 of this tune. Listen & Download 2Tyt Klassic Ft. Terry G x Klever Jay x Q-Dot – Wellu Wellu (Part2) Below:-

VP Namadi Sambo And Wife Ask For Forgiveness As They Leave Office -

Vice-President Namadi Sambo, and wife, Amina Sambo, on Monday urged those they offended to forgive them. The vice-president, who spoke to newsmen shortly after a valedictory meeting with his supporting members of staff at Aguda House, Abuja, said he had forgiven all those he had interracted with in the last five years. According to him, he has enjoyed good and cordial working relationship with all his supporting members of staff. “Whether in government or outside government, we will continue to contribute towards the development of the country. And also, we have enjoyed working together and we have become one family with our staff and we assure them that we shall always be there for them. Also, we pray that all those that we have offended during this period, we beg for their forgiveness and we forgive all those that have done anything wrong to us.’’he said Sambo thanked the staff for their support and cooperation and urged them to extend the same to the incoming administration. In her remarks, the wife of the Vice-President, Hajiya Amina Sambo, said the Sambo’s family would forever remain grateful for the support, encouragement and prayers they enjoyed from the staff. The farewell meeting was attended by all the supporting staff, including Special Advisers and Senior Special Assistants to the vice-president and his wife. (NAN)

Asari Dokubo Threatens President-Elect General Buhari Again

Following the defeat of President Goodluck Jonathan in the March 28 presidential election, leader of the militia group, Niger Delta People Salvation Front, Asari Dokubo, has declared that his group is ready to commence its bloody armed struggle against the Nigerian state. Asari on several occasion in the recent past promised to make Nigeria ungovernable if Jonathan, an Ijaw man from the Niger Delta, was not voted for a 2nd term by Nigerians. Nigerians rejected him! Speaking on Sunday at the Major Isaac Adaka Boro’s Memorial event, the militant said the restraining order the Jonathan’s administration had on the armed struggle for self determination of the Niger Delta people has been voided with the emergence of the Muhammadu Buhari government. He said a new phase in the struggle will soon be unveiled​,​ but ​that militants ​will wait for the new government to “draw the first blood.” “Yes, a new government begins in Nigeria and a next phase of our struggle shall begin also,” he said. “Jonathan Goodluck Presidency was like a restraining order now that restraint is lifted. However, we will watch and wait, let them draw the first blood and we shall determine our best way forward. Truly Nigeria will never be the same again the future is pregnant.”
He said the posturing of the incoming Buhari-led administration suggests that it will extinguish whatever is left of the Niger Delta struggle. He added he is ready to die in war or in prison if the in-coming government attempts to trifle with the struggle for self-determination of the oil-producing region or treat it as a conquered region. “Should Buhari whom like pharaoh has determined in his heart to turn desolate the Niger Delta region, draw the first blood by undermining certain interest of the region then begin the systemic arrest, maiming and murder our comrades, continue the confiscation of our rights to self-determination and treat the region as a conquered region, then it may be honourable for some of us to die in prison or in the field of war as nobody is afraid of him,” Mr. Dokubo said. Asari took a swipe at other Niger Delta militants that have declared their readiness to work with in-coming government describing them as “petty penny merchants” and “field slaves” who have fled the battlefield. He further called on Niger Delta youth to resist any attempt to treat the region as a defeated region. “Let it be known that we were not defeated,” he said. “It was Jonathan and his party that lost an election. We as a people, indeed the Niger Delta region alongside the Igbos were never defeated. We collectively rejected the born to rule and supremacist agenda which some of our brothers as field slaves and taskmasters supported yet their number shows that they are of little consequence, we must however not take them for granted.” He also took a swipe at Jonathan, saying the president is merely a beneficiary of the Niger Delta struggle but not a part of the struggle and thus cannot understand the real intent of the struggle, which, he said is to secede from Nigeria which he described as “a false and forced colonial union.” “He, Jonathan Goodluck, was never in the struggle. He was not a product of the struggle but an establishment beneficiary of our struggle. Our struggle is not and never about becoming the president. It was not about being awarded oil licenses and mouth-watering contracts. It was not about massive infrastructural development of the Niger Delta Region. It was not about high scale appointments, employment and empowerment. It was never about interventionist programmes and projects. “Our struggle indeed is about our collective freedom from a false and forced colonial union that has remained divided and un-integrated. It is about our being conferred a slave status and seen as a conquered people who must exist at the mercy of the overloads and supremacist class using our own brothers as taskmasters against us in a Nigerian union.” But the same Asari amassed wealth from the multi-billion naira pipeline contract awarded to ex-militants by the Jonathan administration as part of the amnesty deal.

Gun Shots Will Ring Out In Abuja In The Next 5 Days, Says Army

The Guards Brigade of the Nigerian Army has informed that they would be firing artillery guns in preparation for the Presidential inauguration and swearing in Ceremony, as well as on the main day. The assistant Director, Army Public Relations in the Guards Brigade, Charles Ekeocha, who disclosed this in a said that they had already began preparations for the May 29 event on May 4 at the Eagle Square, Abuja. “The practice session for the 21 gun salute will take place on May 20 and May 25, and on the inauguration day, May 29,” he said. He advised the public, especially those living within Asokoro area of Abuja and its environ not to panic at the sound of simulated firing of military weapons during the dates.

Must Read!! The Easiest Way Out For Broke (Poor) Students

The lifestyle of students across the varying campuses in Nigeria depicts a close to perfect picture of the gap between the haves and the have-nots in the country. Students from rich homes often appear to have no worries, they look ‘cleaner’, use the latest phones, eat at the best eateries and always have money to buy all the required study materials and textbooks. On the other hand, the broke (poor/not financially strong) students struggle through every semester especially at month ends; often not having enough cash, so they only buy study materials for courses that are ‘life-threatening’. Now, what should be the proper response of broke students? Should broke students attempt to alter their financial state or just endure and struggle their way through school? (Have in mind that your financial condition might not change even after graduation). From personal experience, the only way out for broke students in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions is this: Do Something. Students who hate being broke must stop wishing, dreaming or even praying for a better student life (in terms of their finances) while folding their arms. Do something today to initiate change or do nothing and remain the same. How do you ‘Do Something’? As a student, the main reason for which you are in school is to study and not to hustle. Therefore, you must not neglect your books in pursuit of money- this is something student-hustlers must understand. There has got to be balance. Having said that, here is how you can ‘Do Something’ in your quest to stop being broke: 1. Start with your mindset Winning any ‘battle’ begins in the mind. Adapt the mindset of winners; say to yourself: “I can do anything I set my mind to do”. Accept that your broke student-life can be fixed and that whatever you will do MUST NOT negatively affect your academics. 2. Appraise yourself and identify any skill you have – any skill at all Do you have any skill? Can you style hair? Can you sew? Is there anything or something you know how to do? Can you teach? 3. Monetize your skill No one should answer ‘No’ to the last question in point number 2. Someone who printed and made photocopies of a notice that read: “Get a Home Lesson Teacher for your Precious Kids. Call 080xxxxxxxx (his phone number)” and pasted them around the senior staff quarters. Count 2 weeks later, he had started helping 8 primary school pupils with their assignments. He worked 3 hours every working day at the rate of 5,000 naira per month for each child. What will you do with an extra 8 x 5,000=40,000 naira every month? Please note that our aim at this point is not to be as rich as Dangote but to stop being broke: to be able to buy handouts, textbooks and eat well; because we need those in order to graduate well. - See more at:

Friday, May 15, 2015

Wow!! Do You Know You Can Now Locate Your Lost Phone Using Google Search? (Get In Here)

Losing your phone is a nightmare, and things get worse when you know there is hardly any way to track it down. Well but if you are an Android user, then you are in for a pleasant surprise. Google recently introduced a new feature which can track down any Android phone or tablet by simply using ‘Google Search’. Here’s how it works! Step 1: Make sure you are using/share the same Google account on your PC and Android phone or tablet. (Even if you aren’t, it will prompt you once you type in ‘find my phone’ in the Google search bar.) Step2: Now type in ‘find my phone’ in the Google Search bar. As soon as you hit enter, Google will start locating your phone on Google Maps. Give it a few seconds and your phone’s preciselocation will be right in front of you. It even shows how far it is from where you are sitting. But what if your phone is under a pillow or stuck in a bed side. Well, for that, there’s an option called ‘Ring’ which will make your phone ring at maximum volume for over 5 minutes.

Chai!! Man Excretes 70 Wraps Of Cocaine In NDLEA Net

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency(NDLEA)at the international wing of the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport (NAA),Abuja, has arrested a 39-year-old suspected drug trafficker, Celestine Ikechukwu Okonkwo, for excreting 70 wraps of cocaine weighing 1.326kg shortly on arrival from Brazil. NDLEA Commander at Abuja Airport, Mr. Hamisu Lawan, who disclosed this yesterday, said that the suspect tested positive for cocaine ingestion. According to Hamisu, “the suspect tested positive to drug ingestion while returning from Sao Paulo, Brazil. He later excreted 70 wraps of cocaine weighing 1.326kg.” Narrating his ordeal in the hands of drug barons, who sponsored his trip to Brazil under the guise of white collar job, the suspect who sells used clothes at Idumota market, said that he was promised mouth-watering job opportunities here in Nigeria. He however said that he was made to suffer untold hardship before being used in smuggling cocaine. Confessing, Celestine said that he was a happy man until the drug barons approached him with a promise of better job abroad. According to him, “I was in my shop at Idumota market where I sell used clothes. I will never forget the day a young man came to my shop to buy shirt. He told me he is from Anambra and that he lives in Brazil. He also promised to help me with a good job opportunity over there. Honestly, I was excited and felt it was answer to my age long prayer. He collected my phone number and left. This was how it all started.” Narrating his ordeal further, he stated that after three months, the man whose identity he did not mention called him that he was back to Nigeria. In his words, “he prepared my international passport and also secured a visa for me. Then he told me to get set to travel anytime. Few weeks later, he brought my ticket and I travelled to Brazil in January 2015. He gave me the name of the hotel where I will stay pending when he will get me a job. I was eventually abandoned to suffer. When I exhausted my money, I began to sleep in a church. I also began to work for a Nigerian woman who owns a restaurant in order not to starve to death”. The suspect also claimed that drug trafficking was not originally discussed with him before he left Nigeria. According to him, “Nobody discussed drug trafficking with me while in Nigeria. It was after I had lived in the church for some months that my sponsor located me in Sau Paulo. I was told that there is no free lunch in Brazil and that I have suffered and experienced difficult life in Brazil. This was the point they introduced drug trafficking as the only way out. They said that was what people do to make money. It took me about seven hours to swallow 70 wraps of cocaine. I was inexperienced because it was my first time. They promised to pay me N400,000 when I get to Nigeria.” Source: DailyIndependent

How Not To Fall Asleep While Driving?

The car – a real convenience and flexibility. But in addition there are advantages and disadvantages – the ability to fall asleep at the wheel, losing vigilance and get into an accident. The journal tells about the simple method, allowing the driver to cheer up tired. Fall asleep at the wheel and everyone can. This usually happens because of a banal fatigue, habits nap after a hearty meal, reducing the concentration of attention due to taken drugs or monotonous landscapes. Many Things can be. It’s one thing when it comes to the half-hour trip to the city, and quite another – 12-hour traffic on the highway. Those drivers who have to drive a long time without a break, and the focus of this article. The Best Remedy For Fatigue – A Dream If you ask an experienced truck driver, you need to do in order not to fall asleep at the wheel, he will answer- get enough sleep before a flight. A warm bath, a good sleep and a cool shower in the morning – that’s the key vigor. But what happens when the trip does not end there, and his eyes just stick together? It is better to stay on the sidelines, close the car and take a nap for about 15-20 minutes. Even a little rest will return the body to another operation for 3-4 hours. The most “sleepy” watch, as practice shows, it is from 14 to 16 days,from 20 to 22 pm and from 2 to 4 nights. These passive periods is best done not driving. What about a little refreshment? To cheer up, you need to move a little bit. For example, to play the muscles in the legs or periodically change the position of the driver’s seat, depriving him of a pleasant convenience. Or stimulate the active points on the ear. Fine encourages impromptu shower – wash with cool water or wipe the neck and face wipes. All of these methods are suitable for hot summer days. In cold weather, just open the window, and the cool air will refresh you. Often drivers get tired eyes appear discomfort powdered. For such cases keep on hand any eye drops or gel “artificial tears”, they quickly lead to normal vision. Be sure to stop as all the eye drops for a few minutes obscure eyes. Tonic Yes, coffee and tea – is everything. No one has yet come up with anything more effective and affordable.But, unfortunately, you get used to caffeine and its effect over time becomes less noticeable. Therefore,should not be abused. Exactly how and energy. Yes, after the first burst of the bottle lasts about two hours.Each of the following is already in harm. According to studies, people with heart disease, it can be very harmful. And very scary overdose Energy (up to hallucinations), especially behind the wheel. My favorite music It would seem that any cheerful music can ward off sleep. In fact, if you listen to music for a long time one style, I want to sleep more. It is better to change the radio station or pre-record drive on the road with your favorite songs that can sing loudly. Better yet, take a trip garrulous companion. Have you straighten it periodically in small replicas. Or to set up an interesting conversation – it invigorates! What about Eat? Experienced drivers will always have at hand “something to chew on.” Someone is using for this purpose seeds, someone is afraid of dirty facilities and chew salted peanuts. Many people buy tart candies (“Pop”) or fruit (apples, grapes, oranges). Fails and banal match in the teeth. And the easiest way to cheer – chew mint gum extra or mint candy. And do not try to buy wood, lavender flavors for the interior! Only citrus fruits, sea and pine – they will help you not to fall asleep at the wheel. New Technologies Especially for drivers inventing new gadgets – Aniston device, in common “Wake Up!” It looks like a normal bluetooth-headset is attached to the ear and responds to the tilt of the head. As soon as the driver started to fall asleep, and tilt your head forward (backward tilt is not included), the beep signal. Should this as a useful gadget $ 2. It has even begun to be integrated into new models of bluetooth-headset. Tablets-power Another novelty for the drivers. In fact it is the same energy, only tablets. They often contain the same caffeine, vitamins and taurine. The advantage of such tablets is impossible to overdose. This is not a delicious drink that you drink as you want. And behind the wheel of the drink cans quite uncomfortable, and drank a pill and you go on. I would like to mention two that I know of “invigorating” preparations. First – Driver Bioskan +. This Preparation composed of natural ingredients. Often in the action at some gas stations, drivers give it for free, fill a full tank. Few believe in the efficacy of magic pills, but great reviews about the drug. Drivers can easily tolerate the way they have improved concentration, drowsiness away. But, arriving at their destination, they quietly fall asleep without toiling insomnia and tachycardia. Two capsules of the drug bythe action of a liter of comparable power! Another drug Elton P. It removes even the most severe fatigue due to the content of natural root Eleutherococcus and vitamins. These drugs are not drugs, they are registered as dietary supplements, so before taking you should consult with your doctor. Here we are told about the most common ways to combat fatigue and drowsiness. Share with readers his unique methods, if any! And also you can buy used cars at Lagos.JiJi, and do not sleep behind the wheel!

28 Children Die Of Lead Poisoning In Niger State

The Federal Government has confirmed the death of 28 children following a fresh outbreak of lead poisoning in Niger state. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the latest incident had brought the number of deaths from lead poisoning in the country to 191, including 139 children. A total of 420 cases were recorded in Zamfara and Niger states, respectively. Briefing newsmen on the latest development in Abuja, the Minister of State for Health, Mr Fidelis Nwankwo, said that 68 fresh cases of the lead poisoning were recorded in Kawo and Magiro villages of Rafi local government area of the state. “Sixty eight cases have been recorded as at May 12, 2015, and 28 deaths had occurred giving the case of fertility rate of 43 per cent,” said Nwankwo. According to him, all the deceased were children below the age of five and comprised 17 females and 11 males. He said the affected children were found to have a high serum lead level between 17 and 22 times higher than the acceptable limits established by the World Health Organisation. The minister, however, said that the federal government adopted an eight-point strategy to tackle the situation upon receipt of the report from the Niger Government. Nwankwo listed the measures to include advocacy meetings with the affected community leaders on the dangers of economic activities involving mining. “We have commenced non-specific, palliative treatment of the sick children in Kagara hospital. “We also commenced the process of incident command structure to enhance coordination of the outbreak response. “Mobilisation of health facilities in Niger and Zamfara states to commence chelation of clinically ill children in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. NAN recalls that the last lead poisoning case was recorded in Zamfara between March and June 2010, which claimed 163 lives, including 111 children. The incident recorded 355 cases (NAN).

Checkout New Super Eagles Jersey And Kit Developed By New Sponsors Nike (Photos)

Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) some weeks back reached a deal with giant sports kits company, Nike. As a result,the Super Eagles kit and Jersey have changed from what they used to be. Do you like the new kit and jersey? See More Photos Below:-

#10th NEA – Annual NEA Awards Announces New Categories for 2015

In celebrating its 10th year anniversary, the Nigeria Entertainment Awards has expanded its nomination categories and instituted new policy changes to how it will distribute its well sought after award trophy. The expansion in award categories is more particular in the movie sector, making room to recognize more indigenous actors, actresses and film makers. The world recognizes the Nigeria film industry and its global success and our platform mission extends to the development of the subsector of Nollywood. A new policy was instituted by the President/CEO, Mr. Martin Fayomi on the issue of trophy distribution to eventual winners. We make it a policy that award recipients that aren’t available to pick up their plaques during the weekend of the award ceremony must issue an official request in writing to the organizing body and proper arrangement will be made to have the trophy picked up at our headquarters. NEA will no longer haul plaques or ship trophies to entertainers for obvious reason of cost and convenience. Nomination announcement is set for June 11th, 2015. This announcement will be made via media release and published thereafter on our website. Voting will commence on July 1st and close August 30th, 2015. Fans are encouraged to stay tuned to AfroMusic Pop Channel DSTV Channel 326 for all updated on NEA and exclusive content from the awards ceremony. 2015 NEA Awards Categories Music 1. Hottest Single of the Year 2. Best New Act to Watch 3. Gospel Artist of the year 4. Indigenous Artist of the Year 5. Best R&B artist of the Year 6. Best Pop Artist of the Year 7. Female Artist of the Year 8. Male Artist of the Year 9. Best Rap Act of the Year 10. Music Producer of the Year 11. Best Music Video of the Year (Artist & Director) 12. Best Collaboration 13. Most Promising Act to Watch 14. Diaspora Artist of the Year 15. African Artist of the Year (Non-Nigerian) 16. Disc Jockey of the Year 17. Album of the Year 18. Afrobeat Artist of the Year Other 1. Record Label Executive of the Year 2. OAP of the Year 3. Entertainment Personality of the year 4. Best Entertainment TV Programme 5. Comedy Act of the Year Film 1. Best Actor of the Year (Nollywood) 2. Best Actress of the Year (Nollywood) 3. Best Actor of the Year (Indigenous Films) 4. Best Actress of the Year (Indigenous Films) 5. Best Actor of the Year (Nigeria in Hollywood) 6. Best Actress of the Year (Nigeria in Hollywood) 7. Best Actor of the Year (Africa) 8. Best Actress of the Year (Africa) 9. Film of the Year – Producer (Nollywood) 10. Film of the Year – Producer (Indigenous Films) 11. Film of the Year – Producer (Africa) 12. Best Film Director of the Year (Nollywood) 13. Best Film Director of the Year (Indigenous Films) 14. Best Film Director of the Year (Africa) Attending the Awards in New York City The NEA also would like to make it known also that a formal process for attending the awards have been instituted for those needed support documentation to the United States consulate. A link will be made available on the official website by June 1st, 2015 that will require form completion, fee payment and identity authentication. The process will close by July 31st. All interested parties are encouraged to complete this process on time so that there will be no delay on the part of the award organizers. Questions and concerns can be forwarded to About NEA The NEA AWARDS is an annual entertainment award show held in the United States, with the sole purpose of celebrating and recognizing the numerous contributions of entertainers to the African entertainment industry, while at the same time promoting the image and rich culture of Nigeria. NEA Awards New York, NY Twitter: @neaawards IG: @neaawards