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Thursday, June 04, 2015


VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS 1. A is 0.125mol/dm3 of H2SO4. B is a solution containing xgdm^-3 of NaOH. (a.) Put A into the burette and titrate it against 20.0cm3 or 25.0cm3 portion of B using Methyl Orange as indicator. Record the volume of your pipette. Tabulate your burette readings and Calculate the average volume of A used. THE EQUATION FOR THE REACTION IS H2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH --> Na2SO4 + 2H2O From Your result and Information provided above, Calculate (i) the amount of H2SO4 in the the average volume of A used. (ii) Concentration of B in mol/dm3 (iii) Value of X. [H=1,O=16,Na=23] SOLUTIONS The Equation for the Reaction: H2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH --> Na2SO4 + 2H2O TABLE OF VALUE Bur Rd|Rough|1st|2nd |3rdFinal|24.00|24.30| 29.30|34.30 Initial|0.00|0.00 |5.00 |10.00 Vol. |24.00|24.30|24.30| 24.30 NOTE: Rough,1st titre,2nd titre,3rd titre are all in (cm3) AVERAGE VOLUME OF ACID USED = 24.30+24.30+24.30/3 = 72.9/3 =24.30. (Bi) A contains 0.125mol/ dm3 of H2SO4(given) ie 0.125 in 1000cm3 of H2SO4 .:. X in 24.30; X = 24.30/1000 * 0.125 = 0.00303 = 0.003 mol per 24.30cm3. (ii) Conc of A * Vol of A/ Conc of B * Vol of B =nA/nB ie CAVA/CBVB = nA/nB = 0.125*24.30/CB*25 = 1/2 CB = 6.075/25 = 0.243 = 0.24mol/dm3. (iii) B contains Xgdm3 of NaOH, Molar Mass of NaOH = 40g. Mass Conc = Mole Concentration * Molar Mass = 0.243 * 40 = 9.72g ====================== ======================= SALT ANALYSIS br /> 2. (a) TEST Xn + Distilled H2O OBSERVATION: White ppt, colourless solution observed. INFERENCE Soluble Salt ======================= (i) *TEST Filterate + BaCl2 + Dil HCl in excess. *OBSERVATION White ppt formed. Precipitate Insoluble. *INFERENCE: SO4^2-,SO3^2-, CO3^2- Present. ======================= TEST: Residue + dilute HCl OBSERVATION: Effervescence gas evolved. An odourless gas. Deep blue ppt. INFERENCE: Cu^2+ Present. ======================= TEST: Filterate + HNO3 + AgNO3 + NH3 *OBSERVATION No visible reaction. White ppt formed. Ppt dissolved in excess NH3(aq) *INFERENCE Cl^- present. Cl^- confirmed. ======================= (bi) TEST Filterate + BaCl2 + dil HCl *OBSERVATION br /> White ppt remained insoluble. *INFERENCE: CO3^2-, SO4^2- Present. ======================= (ii) TEST A portion of (bi) + NaOH solution dropwise and in excess. *OBSERVATION: A light blue ppt insoluble in excess of NaOH Solution. *INFERENCE Cu^2+ present

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Neco Expo : 2015 100% Correct Neco questions and Answers


Neco Timetable: 2015/2016 June July Official NECO Time Table

Neco SSCE Time Table starts Here! ========================== Monday 1st June Paper I: Practical - Physics 10:00am – 12:45pm ================================================== Tuesday 2nd June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Civic Education 10.00am-1.00pm ================================================== Wednesday 3rd June Paper I: Practical - Computer Studies 10:00am - 1:00pm ================================================= Thursday 4th June Paper I: Practical - Chemistry 10.00am-12.00pm ================================================== Friday 5th June Paper I: Practical - Biology 10.00am-12.00pm ================================================== Monday 8th June Paper I: Practical - Data Processing 10.00 am - 1.00 pm ================================================== Tuesday 9th June Paper I: Practical - Agricultural Science 10:00am – 11:30am ================================================== Wednesday 10th June Paper III & I: Objective & Practical / Physical - Geography - 10:00am – 12:30pm Paper I: Practical - Basic Electricity - 2:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Thursday 11th June Paper III: Objective - General Mathematics - 10:00am – 11:45am Paper II: Essay - General Mathematics - 12:00noon – 2:30pm ========================================= Friday 12th June Paper III & IV: Objective & Drawing - Technical Drawing 10:00am – 12:30pm ========================================= Monday 15th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Physics - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay – Store Management - 2:00pm – 4:40pm ========================================= Tuesday 16th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Government - 10:00am – 12:40pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Music - 2:00pm – 4:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - General Metal Work - 2:00pm – 4:30pm ========================================= Wednesday 17th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Chemistry - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper I: Drawing – Building Construction - 2:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Thursday 18th June Paper II & III: Essay & Objective - English Language - 10:00am – 12:45pm Paper IV: Test of Orals - English Language - 12:45pm – 1:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Animal Husbandry - 3:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Friday 19th June Paper II: Essay - Geography - 10:00am - 12:00noon Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Electronics - 3:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Monday 22nd June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Economics - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Foods & Nutrition - 2:30pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Tuesday 23rd June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Biology = 10:00am 12:30pm Paper III & II: Objective, Essay & Literature - Arabic - 2:00pm – 5:30pm ========================================= Wednesday 24th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Computer Studies - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper I: Written Comprehension - French - 2:00pm – 3:00pm Paper II: Written Expression - French - 3:00pm – 4:45pm ========================================= Thursday 25th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Commerce - 10:00am – 12:40pm Paper IV: Drawing & Design - Woodwork - 1:00pm – 3:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Woodwork - 3:30pm – 5:30pm ========================================= Friday 26th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Agricultural Science - 10:00am – 12:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Insurance - 3:00pm – 5:40pm ========================================= Monday 29th June Paper III: Objective - Further Mathematics - 10:00am - 12:00noon Paper II: Essay - Further Mathematics - 12:00 noon – 2:30pm Paper III & IV: Objective & Prose - Literature in English - 3:00pm – 5:15pm ========================================= Tuesday 30th June Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Hausa Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Igbo Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Yoruba Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Edo Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Efik Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Ibibio 10:00am – 1:00pm ========================================= Wednesday 1st July Paper I: Practical - Technical Drawing - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper II: Drama & Poetry - Literature in English - 2:30pm – 4:10pm ========================================= Thursday 2nd July Paper III: Objective - Financial Accounting - 10:00am – 11:20am Paper II: Theory & Practice - Financial Accounting - 11:20am – 1:50pm ========================================= Friday 3rd July Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Christian Religious Studies - 10:00am – 12:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Islamic Studies - 10:00am – 12:30pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Physical Education - 3:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Wednesday 8th July Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Visual Art - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Office Practice - 2:00pm – 5:00pm ========================================= Thursday 9th July Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - History - 10:00am – 1:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Data Processing - 2:00pm – 5:00pm Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Marketing - 2:00pm – 4:40pm ========================================= Friday 10th July Paper III & II: Objective & Essay - Health Education - 10:00am - 12:00noon Paper I: Test of Practical - Health Education - 3:00pm – 4:30pm ========================================= Timetable ends here.